
List of players and updates

First of all, I'd like to announce something that you all probably know already. A key player and probably the most wanted by many clans has joined our team! It's Anonymous! What a nice appearance he's made under our clan tag!
Also, he gave me the list of BLS players. A list that I've never looked at. There:
Click here to view the gametracker BLS players
You can type BL$ in the search if you wanna find some other results. (But most of them are from PinkStar and she loves to change her name and its design).

Tyson went in BLS just for a while but decided to wait as a clanless player first before re-joining. He's probably waiting for some other clans to call him. As far as I know, he asked NECRO if he could join it. Weird thing is that many good players left NECRO. And GLIKNIJ left that clan to try to join ours. After watching GLIKNIJ play, he was truly a skilled player, but he just doesn't play the games fairly. Plus, it was hard for me to communicate with him. BLS needs good basic communication. And not only that, but he simply doesn't fit in our team.

Kr0n!ck joined HKL but he was found more recently as a BLS. I don't know who exactly recruited him but he's not bad at all. I need to watch him play more as a BLS player. I also wanna have a little talk with him before confirming that he'll be in our original team roster. Then, I gotta make sure he'll find the perfect spot in our team. And BLS will keep rocking! Yeah!

Same for the new guy, Czekajcie. Please, if any of you have recruited someone new, I need you to report it to me or McYoung. I don't even know who he is. So if I see him, I'll start to watch him and question him.

When someone is seen with the BLS tag and he's not even in the list of players I made (or I didn't confirm his "membership" yet), he would be considered a wannabe BLS. A fake. So that's why I need any of you to tell me (or MC) some updates if something new happened to BLS.

That's it for the BLS updates of the moment.

We've seen Shai under the name "Singularity". He didn't even talk. But when he just came in the game, I saw the British flag. Then I saw his ping at about 80 to 110. I was a spectator so I checked him out. He was moving typically like Shai. I've never seen Singularity before and all of a sudden, he knows how to use the grapplehook like Shai. He moves like Shai, kills like him, etc. It only took me 10 seconds to recognize all that. Too obvious. I don't wanna guess what all that means but for sure, Singularity is not a random word.

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