
Could it be any better???

Unreal Tournament 99 is a game already 10-11 years old but has never been more interesting than the last 2 years.. and thats because of the latest female presence all over the servers ..!!! Boys have gone mad , especially when girls manage to defeat them in lots of game modes >:D... take yourself a walk around gametracker profiles and you will see it yourself. Not only we make the UT world sexier but we also give meaning to the contest!!! WOOTZZ

mission: search for girls on servers so that you can finally enjoy your deathssss

-bad bad H-


  1. Its not that women own me, It's just that I have mercy on their souls and let them kill me. (:

    Having women playing UT is nothing very surprising. Lots of women enjoy gaming just like we guys do. Its just how things are now a days women make up a great portion of the gaming world.

    But, because they make the game sexier, it makes us little boys horny...and when we find out we are playing with a girl we act like total morons. Which is why a great many of females prefer to not reveal their gender.

    ***Music Starts Playing***

    Is the male gender alone in the gaming Universe? It has been proven that we are not. But still females hide under the shadows, sniping our heads without us knowing that they are in fact women. But where are they? this we might never find out, to this day it is still a complete mystery.

    One thing is for certain though, there is ONLY a selected few that makes me wanna join the game. :) Their identity should never be revealed by me. (:


  2. Holy crap what a long comment you made Soge :P

    Well i'm soo tired atm :P physically :P

    I like there is girls here.. cause.. in UT... some of you are actally able to play on same lvl as most men ;) That's what makes UT unique from other sports/activities or whatevah :D ;)

    Don't be mad :D It's just humor :P.... or?? :O xD

    // Laz the Male-pig

  3. hmm hector's comment is much better than my original post xD you pawned me !

    and yes yes lazzy we all saw you flirting dont worry :D
