
BLS - The clan that helps improving your skills and communication in games

As we know, BLS works as a great team with good chemistry. That's how we succeed. We understand each others by knowing all of our teammates' style in games to the point we could easily guess their next moves, knowing what kind of help they need, etc. We communicate so well in games that I bet that's one of the reasons why some unknown people were asking if they could join BLS. Of course I need to observe and know their style of playing first to see if they could fit in our clan.

At the same time, as a leader, I'm willing to improve myself for the clan and help my members to show how great of a team BLS is. I'm very happy to see how much BLS wants to improve alongside with me. I hope my presence in games would give you more inspiration and momentum to play at your best and have a lot of fun. When I'm not in the game, MC should be the one guiding you all through victory. He's got good sense of leadership in games.

Now, let's talk about some updates...
Tyson_Ind has joined BLS... But I still need to ask him some questions... I wonder if his reason to leave Dark clan was the same as us...

This is the screenshot of CirO!! during his ownage.
I'm really amazed by how much he has improved.
He has done way better than Skye Sken!? Amazing.

If you guys noticed, on the BLS team roster, you can click on few players' name to see their stats as BLS member.

Improvement of McYoung? Oh yeah! This is his old stat as a Dark: Click to see

This is CirO!!'s old stat as a HKL member:
Click to see

My stat as a Dark:
Click to see

So if you all click on the recent stats in BLS roster, you would see how much all of us has improved. Thanks to SmartCTF, it has shown our true value in CTF games.

To improve, it's always nice to compare ourselves to someone better... Like myself for example, comparing myself to Unnamed in stats... We don't have the same style but still...
This is Unnamed's weekly stats at the moment:

Compared to mine (Yes I had a bad start of the week because I wasn't in the mood):

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